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Supervisory Board


Sustainability for us means securing GScan’s long-term (i.e. sustainable) success by balancing economic, social, and environmental aspects of our business. ESG is at the core of our company’s mission: “To keep the world intact and make societies safe”. GScan OÜ recognizes the need for a structured approach to address these areas and ensure long-term sustainability and stakeholder value.

Responsible products

Achieving our mission happens through creating responsible products. Our both product lines (NDT and Security)  and the groundbreaking technology behind them directly contribute to ESG goals.  The following UN sustainable development goals and targets are directly impacted by our products as follows: 


ESG in our operations

We conduct our business by good ethical principles and follow the industry best practices, as well as the principles agreed with our investors. We follow transparent communications practices towards our employees and investors.

Industry contribution & innovation

  • We are actively participating in the Estonian industry associations. Despite being an early stage company we are the member of Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (officially abbreviated as ITL), Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Association , etc

  • We are signatories to the the Code of Ethics by ITL (biggest technology association in Estonia)

  • We contribute to the development of our industry in the region, including close-cooperation with universities in R&D, offering traineeships, etc. The universities we partner with are

    • University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Université catholique de Louvain, University of Sheffield, University of Exeter, German Aerospace Centre, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, Fundazione Bruno Kessler, CERN.

  • Our contribution to innovation has been recognized by various nominations and awards, for example

    • ITL’s “Breakthrough of the Year 2022” award was given to GScan for a high-tech solution created in the symbiosis of business development and scientific innovation. According to ITL, “GScan is a good example of how an idea originally belonging to the field of science fiction has been transformed into a truly functional high-tech solution through the successful cooperation of universities and companies” 

    • GScan has been nominated as TOP10 Innovator in the Estonian Entrepreneurship award 2023 (which puts significant value on ESG).

    • 2nd prize for of the Innnovation Prize from the Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners (PEN-CP)

GScan as employer

GScan is an equal-opportunity employer and values diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability status. We aim for diverse hiring processes.

To support Employee Wellbeing GScan offers flexible working hours and remote work options.

We are also actively encouraging our employees to reduce, reuse, and recycle by setting up basic recycling stations in the offices. 

Action Plan and milestones ahead 

We follow the principles “Lead by Example” and “what gets measured gets done”.
To promote sustainability and responsibility across our business operations and to engage employees and foster a culture of ESG awareness we have set 3 measurable goals until the end of 2024. 

  1. Starting to define measurable ESG impact metrics for our proposals and customer projects

  2. Defining baseline and goals for continuous improvement compared to a baseline year 2024  

    1. Set yearly goals for products’ resource efficiency 

    2. Carbon footprint CO2 savings by product and customer project

    3. CO2 emissions per employee

  3. Setting measurable KPIs for being equal opportunity employer

  4. Conduct Annual ESG Review with Management Board and Supervisory Board to evaluate the effectiveness of the ESG strategy and make necessary adjustments

  5. Create and share Annual ESG Report: Disclose ESG activities, achievements, and future plans in an annual report.

Get in Touch

Tallinn office (HQ):
Mäealuse tn. 2/1, Tallinn 12618,


Tartu office (production facility):

Tehnopargi tee 5, Tõrvandi 61715, Estonia

Cambridge office:

GScan Ltd, The Bradfield Centre
184 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road,
Cambridgeshire CB4 0GA,
United Kingdom

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Tallinn & Tartu, Estonia
Cambridge, UK
Munich, Germany
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