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GScan ART technology is developed in cooperation with scientific research institutions NICPB (KBFI), iCV Lab and University of Tartu.
The GScan MFT (Muon Flux Technology) stack integrates the most advanced muon detection hardware with the most comprehensive data analysis software layer.
GScan’s technology can detect elements from all corners of the periodic table, visualise them in 3D-space and perform a thorough chemical composition analysis.
Our solutions are highly scalable, flexible and provide unparalleled performance at reduced cost - single panels can be used to scan small objects or infrastructure, prebuilt solutions are already tailored for the task at hand.
With a strong base of startup mindset, fundamental and information sciences, a highly modern manufacturing industry, coupled with high work ethics coming from Estonia has provided us with a strong competitive edge for developing such a complex technology.

First products
Release of our first commercially-ready customer solutions - μFLUX Infra and μFLUX Small. Active piloting and testing with various partners for further developments.
First contract with ALARA
GScan's first commercial contract, scanning and mapping a decommissioned nuclear facility in Paldiski, Estonia. The scanning is performed with μFLUX Infra system, suitable for any infrastructure and non-destructive testing (NDT)
In December 2022, GScan opened their first production and updated R&D facility in Tartu, Estonia.
SilentBorder and seed round
EU Horizon project SilentBorder financed, started and led by GScan - focus lies on developing a 3D scanner for 20-ft sea containers and objects of suitable volume.
2.1M € seed round, backed by 8 angels.
Laboratory prototype completed, technology POC achieved.
The important milestone gave us the confidence that our in-house developed tomographic algorithms and hardware are functioning as intended! The prototype consisted of a lightweight particle tracker system based on plastic scintillator fibres, silicon photomultipliers and our unique AI-based detection and classification algorithms.
Throughout 2019, all the related IP was transferred from GoSwift to GScan.
In autumn 2019, we decided to show ourselves to the world and started to build our laboratory prototype.
Patent, GScan was founded
We developed our own patented tomographic algorithms for detection and classification, as well as commenced the research and development of scanner hardware. In early 2018, we decided to spin off from GoSwift.
9.03.2018, GScan was born.
Feasibility study
After receiving the feasibility study reports with positive results from the University of Tartu, we started to look into actively developing the idea. We recognised that there is a much wider scope of usability than first thought. During that time, we came to understand that existing tomographic algorithms had significant shortcomings for muon tomography - hence our own algorithms had to be developed.
Idea seed
GScan’s idea was born throughout the operations within an Estonian company called GoSwift. GoSwift’s speciality is operating and developing border queue management systems and services in several countries. Within GoSwift, an R&D project called “ABG – Automated Border Gate” was run – the goal of which was to implement biometric border crossing for people, both on foot and with vehicles. We identified the need to count people in vehicles, including these who are hidden, without any interruptions and harmful radiation.
The idea of muon tomography was proposed. Although the idea seemed overambitious, GoSwift decided to make a research request to the University of Tartu. Within the next months, two studies were performed by the Department of Physics of the University of Tartu.