Development of an AI-based small-scale mobile MRT scanner for significantly improving the detection capacity of threats and illicit goods in trade flows
Webpage: http://cosmoport.ai/
Grant: EU Horizon 2022, “CosmoPort”
Period: October 2023 - September 2026
Related solutions: μFLUX Small
Cost of contract: 2,942,950 EUR
Partners: Fondazione Bruno Kessler — FBK (Italy), Center for Security Studies — KEMEA (Greece), Imperial College London — ICL (UK), Estonian Customs and Tax Board — ECTB, Finnish customs — Tulli, State Revenue Service of Republic of Latvia — VID/SRS, UK Home Office Border Force, Hellenic Police (Greece), Independent Authority for Public Revenue — IAPR (Greece)
Description: In this project we are creating a mobile scanning system, CosmoPort Demo System (CPDS), combining the technologies and components from the existing prototypes of muon ray tomography or MRT-based scanners and developing some new elements: more compact and accurate hodoscopes, self-calibration algorithm, improved ML algorithms, mechanical structure tolerating stronger vibration and rapid movements, cloud-based databases and UI. The final design of CPDS will be based on the models of various customs processes and operational implementations that support the objectives of the partner customs. The final details of CPDS will be fixed based on the exact design inputs from the partnering law enforcement agencies (LEAs).